Multiphysics Mechanics of Materials Group
In the Multiphysics Mechanics of Materials group we focus on – no prizes for guessing – multiphysics mechanics of materials, spanning across length-scales and covering a variety of materials ranging from the multi-functional graphene to biological materials like cells and bacterial biofilms and everything in between.
We do have a soft spot for soft materials, given their increasing relevance to both engineering and biological applications, as well as the fundamental research need to characterize their mechanics under complex environments with multitude of driving forces. Their flexibility, adaptability, and tunability together with their fascinating mechanics has made them a topic of key focus in our group.
Multiphysics interactions offer a tremendous avenue to push the state of the art in the development of next-generation materials with customizable and unprecedented properties. At the same time, the underlying mechanics framework applies equally well to complex biological systems that often showcase an interplay of growth, transport, and responsiveness to chemical and mechanical (and more) stimuli.
Learnings on each of these fronts inform advances on the other. Central to this synergistic effort is the experimental understanding and predictive modeling capability of the multiphysics mechanics of these systems. This is where our research – focused on developing experimentally validated, rigorous mechanics models – comes in.

Brown University
Ph.D. in Solid Mechanics, 2019
Advisor: Prof. Kyung-Suk Kim
Email: <firstname>.<lastname> at
Others: Google Scholar, LinkedIn
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering, 2013
PI: Mrityunjay Kothari
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of New Hampshire,
Durham, NH 03824
New paper in JMPS 'On inherent hyperelastic crease' out now.
Our work was featured on Penn State News:

We organized a successful mini-symposium at SES 2023 in Minneapolis, MN on the Multiphysics mechanics of solids, co-oragnized with Prof. Vikas Srivastava from Brown University.
We are organizing a symposium at IMECE 2022 and welcome you to come join us in Columbus, Ohio!
Join us for the New.MECH 2022 at MIT
on May 6th!
Our latest pre-print "The crucial role of elasticity in regulating liquid-liquid phase separation in cells" is up on arxiv!
How does a growing body takes its shape and form when it is embedded inside another body? We attempt to answer this question in our latest JMPS paper.

Morphogenesis and cell ordering in confined bacterial biofilms

Our collaborative work on the mechanics-driven morphogenesis in embedded bacterial biofilms is now online on PNAS! Check it out.
Check out our research on the effects of elasticity on liquid-liquid phase separation through a short and fun video.
See the paper here.

Our work on the peeling of soft adhesive layers featured on the front cover of Soft Matter.
See the paper here.
​Nov, 2020: Our work is featured on the front cover of Soft Matter!
Oct, 2020: "Effect of elasticity on phase separation in heterogeneous systems" is online at JMPS.
Sep, 2020: "Controlled propagation and jamming of a delamination front" is online at Soft Matter.
Jun, 2020: Pre-print of our latest work on the propagation and jamming of a delamination front in a peeled adhesive layer is now on arXiv.
Apr, 2020: Pre-print of our latest work on the effect of elasticity on phase separation is now on arXiv.
Sep, 2019: Our work on modeling phase transitions in stainless steel at cryogenic temperatures is now online at JMPS.
Jun, 2019: Started Postdoc in the Nonlinear Solid Mechanics group with Tal Cohen at MIT.
May, 2019: Awarded the 'Outstanding Thesis Award' by School of Engineering at Brown.
Jan, 2019: Joined Srivastava Research Lab.
Jan, 2019: Brown's coverage of our work.
Jan, 2019: Part II of the two part on Curvature Localization in Graphene is now online.
Dec, 2018: Part II of the two part paper on crinkles got accepted in Proceedings of Royal Society A. To appear online soon.
Jun, 2018: NSF coverage.
Jun, 2018: More news coverage of our work on crinkles.
Jun, 2018: Coverage of our work on Brown's engineering page.
Jun, 2018: Our work on crinkles now online at Proceeding of Royal Society A.